Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Emily Collins Headshot

Graduation Year: 2017

Majors/Minors/Certificates: BA: Ethics and Public Policy Minors: Criminology and Political Science, Certificate: Fundraising & Philanthropy Communication

Current City & State: I work remotely and travel 90% of the year so I am all over the country

Current Position & Organization: Floating Engagement Center Manager, Ruffalo Noel Levitz

How did your FPC certificate help you get to where you are today? 

The FPC certificate gave me a solid foundation to build my career. Every time I have had a job interview, I have been asked about the program! Very few students coming out of undergrad have a fundraising or non-profit credential behind their name. This program made me stand out in interviews and amongst my peers in the fundraising world.

What career advice do you have for current NLP students? 

Seize every opportunity you get and do not be afraid to take risks! If you can do both of these things, you will go far in life and in your career as an advancement professional.