Breadcrumb Home Community Partner Application You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Your Name Position Title Email Phone Number Organization Name Organization Website What collaboration area(s) are you interested in? Internships Work with us to design one or more internships at your organization that can be sustained semester after semester. Through this premier partnership, we can establish an ongoing pipeline of educated students to leverage your goals and perhaps find your next highly qualified employee. Community Engaged Course We offer several community engaged courses in our curriculum. While each course is distinct, students typically create deliverables or research reports for their nonprofit community partners. These courses create value for the nonprofit organization and the participating students. Hawkeye Nonprofit Collective HNC is a student organization sponsored by the NLP Certificate. Leadership acts as a liaison between nonprofits and its members. They recruit students for a one-time volunteer opportunity with your organization or promote your need for a skilled student in best practices for a single project-based initiative that is typically shorter in duration than an internship. Career Connections NLP assists new graduates in securing their first job in the nonprofit sector by offering a catalog that includes an introductory cover letter and resume for each student preparing to graduate and enter the workforce. It is then shared with nonprofit hiring managers and others to promote our talented graduates. Active Social Media Account Links Leave this field blank