Graduation Year: 2014
Majors/Minors/Certificates: BA Speech and Hearing Sciences, Certificate in Fundraising and Philanthropic Communications
Current City & State: San Antonio, Texas
Current Position & Organization: Coordinator, Campaign Operations for Trinity University
How did your FPC certificate help you get to where you are today?
The FPC Certificate coursework was a great foundation in learning about the industry. Through the FPC Certificate, I became involved with the Student Philanthropy Group at the University of Iowa Foundation (now Center for Advancement) and served as the Williams Development Fellow following graduation. I then went on to receive a MA in Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and held graduate assistantships with the IU Foundation, St. Vincent Foundation, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I have been living in San Antonio, TX since 2017 and recently accepted the role of Campaign Operations Coordinator for Trinity University, where I am working with university leadership, trustees, and constituents to prepare for a multi-year comprehensive campaign.
What career advice do you have for current NLP students?
Seek out internships at a variety of organizations. Although my passion lies with Higher Education, I learned lots by working for a variety of healthcare-focused organizations and with a K-12 school. And do not be afraid to reach out to alumni or professionals in the industry! We are all here to help you - and now is a great time, while we are all working from home.